A level that is completely inspired by the incredibly popular show Squid Game, that has taken the world completely by storm, being taken through each one of the games that appears on the show, such as Red Light, Green Light, the Honeycomb and Stepping Stones, each with their own unique design, colors and style, with some nice art to go along with all of this.
What I like about this is that it's not entirely designed around the show, there are some sections that feature a more traditional design, that gives a bit of breathing room from the intense effects of the game.
The bossfight at 1:00 has a great design, a very detailed mask with weapons that are also nice, with vibrant effects.
What I like about this is that it's not entirely designed around the show, there are some sections that feature a more traditional design, that gives a bit of breathing room from the intense effects of the game.
The bossfight at 1:00 has a great design, a very detailed mask with weapons that are also nice, with vibrant effects.
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- Games